pure Chlorella Algae powder without additives
Minimum order: 12 glasses
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Chlorella is a freshwater algae with only one nucleus. This differentiates it from all other types of algae. As a single cell organism, Chlorella has managed to survive for millions of years which leads to the conclusion, that the Chlorella algae is not only strong but also highly adaptive.

Chlorella has a dark green colour which is due to the high Chlorophyll content, in fact Chlorella is the plant with the highest Chlorophyll content anywhere. The chemical structure is similar to that of the red blood cells which makes Chlorophyll very valuable for the human body.

Chlorophyll has a number of positive effects on the body, most noticable it's ability to bind toxins in the body which can then be discharged from the body.

Aside from Chlorophyll, Chlorella contains a wide array of other nutrients such as about 50% protein and various minerals, vitamins and fatty acids.

All these make Chlorella a true superfood

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