Cranberry Fruitpowder 70 g glass

pure Cranberry fruit powder without additives
Minimum order: 12 glasses
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glutenfrei laktosefrei
zuckerfrei gmo frei
vegan vegetarisch

Cranberries grow mainly in North America. oder auch Moosbeeren wachsen vor allem in Nordamerika. The red berry has a slightly sour taste and is very popular as a condiment for game dishes.

Cranberries contain a large amount of antioxidants. What makes Cranberries special is the fact that our body can absorb the antioxidants from Cranberries much better than common antioxidants which makes them especially effective.

In folk medicine, Cranberris have traditionally been used against bladder infections. Scientific studies have confirmed this benefit. Aside from this, Cranberries have a variety of positive effects on the human body.

Last but not least, Cranberries are a great tasting fruit.

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